Bwala creates an end to end delivery and distribution plartform to manufactueres , solving the problem of access to formal and informal markets , lack of data visibility on brand performance and making decisions on where to target next
“Bwala has been a very good reliable suppliers, their riders are always on time, and when we have issues with deliveries they are solved on time, Bwala is a one stop shop for every single item that you need for your shop.”
“Copia has been using Bwala’s logistics services for over a year , our customers get their goods on time thanks to Bwala’s efficient and cost effective last mile solutions ”
“I have been making deliveries for over a year with Bwala, Bwala gives me enough packages to deliver to customers, I am able to meet my personal financial needs with Bwala.”
“ I have been using Bwala to get my supplies regularly from different manufacturers, they are reliable and their prices are fair, I would like to recommend Bwala to other retailers. ”
“I am a very happy Bwala rider, Bwala takes care of my needs. I’m proud to be associated with Bwala, my operations are taken care of through an insurance partnership and this makes me happy. ”
“Unlike other ride hailing Apps, Bwala makes it a safe & reliable working environment for last mile deliveries, all customers are vetted and this makes our work easier and extremely safe, I am happy to be part of the Bwala family.”
“We have been moving our packages through the Bwala last mile delivery network ,Bwala has been reliable , they have rendered all their services professionally when interacting with our clients and staff , we recommend them to any organisation that would be willing to work with them ”
Bwala is an end to end lastmile app, enabling visibity and transperancy on the cosumption trends of various brands and delivery of inventory , this enables key stakeholders to make data driven decisions which leads to revenue growth , just in time planning and customer retantion.